Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Bedside Blogger #13

Alright, I think it's time that I did a full blown out, uncensored, raw post. This will be explicit, semi pornographic, and not to be judged.

Men, when did you all become little bitches? I feel like dudes have either become little pussies or just too damn lazy. I want a guy to just come up to me at a bar, without hesitation and full of confidence to offer me a drink (roofie free) and have a good hookup line!! Maybe it is just me, I'm told I'm fairly attractive but guys rarely approach me anywhere. I can only assume that I am either unapproachable, or that men have lost their back bone in a terrible vagina growing incident!

As I thought about this rant I thought that I would give a few pointers to those guys who want to be more outgoing and possibly encourage a few lazy asses.

To start one thing you must always remember in any situation, whether you have it or not is to BE CONFIDENT! Even if she is surrounded by a large group of girls, you will seem to have about 78% more game if you can muster up the courage to walk into the lioness den for the soul purpose of getting that one particular girl. Either way, any girl is going to be flattered that you are going to approach her in a crowded place. How can you screw that up? Oh yeah, by being a douche... Don't be that guy either.
When I talk about confidence I want you to know there is a difference between confidence and being a cocky bastard. We don't care about your car or your stupid gun collection. Oh, and we really don't care about your ex girlfriend, so please do not, in anyway, include her in your game plan! We don't care about you view on the Chick-fa-la ordeal or even what your political views are. Believe it or not, when it comes to meeting someone for the first time all we want to hear is that you think that we are pretty and you want to sit and lightly chat with us for a little while.

Still nervous? Well, aren't you lucky you stumbled upon me! Here's how you get a girl to become interested in you. No tricks or gimmicks just easy to fallow instructions that will get you that phone number and possibly an over the jeans... moving on.

When you first notice an attractive girl across the bar or restaurant or where ever you have to remember to smile. We love a good smile. There is also an amount of time to glance and then take action. Three gaze holding moments and exchange of smiles is the magic signal. Single girls on the hunt will do the once over throughout the room to see if there are any attractive potentials worth their time. Which means you'll know with in two glances if she is interested in you or not. Holding the third gaze means you have the go ahead to swagger on over and start up a convo, which should always start with but not limited to the sentence "Hey, mind if I buy you a drink?"

After you have sat, bought her a beverage and learned her name you can start a sensible conversation that should be kept light, easy and open ended. A list of easily light topics include:

Where is she from?
What does she do for work?
How loud the music is in the area you are currently talking in.
How you couldn't keep your eyes off her and you noticed her noticing you.
If she likes/knows any sports (this is for your benefit later)
And of course the all important question, is she single and how the hell she is, if she is indeed single.

Chicks usually ask a million questions so you shouldn't be too concerned about having to think of everything to say. This is when you have to have a brain and try to notice if she is interested in your interpersonal communication skills. Is she smiling? If yes, then continue. If no, and she seems stuck up and a little dumb, this is the bailout moment and you should take it. Thank her for having a drink with you and kindly get the fuck out of there.

Warning: Girls are crazy bitches sometimes. Any sign of crazy you should hightail it out of there ASAP!

One final note. Honesty is the best way to live life. If you end up not liking a chick, tell her. You don't have to be mean about it or go into vast detail. Just plain and simple, tell her that you're just not that into her and don't lead her on for weeks just because you're not sure or you have nothing better going on right at the moment. There are millions of people on the planet so why waste her or your time?