Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bedside Blogger #20

Here's a little tidbit that I just want to share:

Dust dancing in the sunlight streaming in through the small high window, the room stale with the smell of my own sweat and blood. He has been gone but moving from my spot on the concrete floor seems impossible. My knees are bruised and pounding from the pressure of my body, hands bleeding and dirty from catching my every fall and deflecting most of his vicious blows. Mascara tears have traveled down my red and purple cheeks the paths sting with every movement and flake away.
I could walk out the door, run down the street. Away from this place, away from him but where would I go? A shelter? My broken home? He would find me when he felt the want once again, hunting me down would only excite him more. Somehow, even though I hate him, the thought of his determination to own me gives me a feeling that resembles comfort or belonging.
No, I will not leave, instead I will stay and do as he wishes until he finds what he is looking for or kills me. In the morning he will wake up alone but he will be content, come into my room and clean my wounds and begin to soothe my equally tattered ego. So, until then, I will crawl up into my bed and try to dream of something other than the feeling of his breath on my neck, his grip on my hips, and the feeling of the floor crashing into me.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bedside Blogger #19

Hello All!

I have recently joined a group of bloggers on Facebook and wanted to take a minute to post something new, since it has been way too long.

What have I doing lately?

Seeing someone new (whom I fancy very much!), working too much, started to go back to the gym, trying to lose a few pounds (mostly to fit back into my jeans) and drinking too much!
I've also decided that along with Photojournalism I'd like to get into Editing as a career.
What its editing? Thanks for asking. Editing is the skill of reading someones work, channeling their writing voice and helping them make their work better, easier to understand, and not to mention correcting all the little mistakes that are made along the way.
Why do I want to do this? Well, three reasons. One, I really like to give people my opinion (even people who don't ask). Two, I would love to spend my whole day reading and writing and actually make money doing it. Three, and this is the most important, editors actually make money!! Like real money that they can live on and not have to worry about a true "boss" breathing down your neck.
From what I understand, I can do most of the work at home, in my pjs, then the rest I am working with writers and publishing departments. Really wish I would've fallowed my head and heart a lot sooner but everything happens for a reason. I wasn't wise enough or strong enough before this year that I took off of school. I know now that I needed to grow into my own person and be proud of myself and not live for anyone else's expectations but my own.

What are my goals for the next few weeks?

Write everyday. I'm still working on my own novel and need to move my progress along.
Go to the gym at least 10 times.
Not eat fast food.
Meditate often! I have been slacking on my reading and meditating on my Buddha way of life (mostly road rage).
Take a ton of pictures with my new camera(as of 12/25/12)
Prepare myself for school in the summer :)

Ok well, that is all that is going on with me for now! Thank you everyone for reading and keeping up with my crazy life!