Friday, September 14, 2012

A Dash Of Buddha Post #16

Today I had to channel my inner hidden Buddha quite a bit. Work was hell to begin with and after work I decided to stress myself even more by going grocery shopping because it looks like this weekend will be busy busy busy. And for your information walking a city block and up two flights of stairs four times with at least ten extra pounds weighing you down isn't fun at all, especially after eight hours of pulling, pushing and lifting old people (I'm a nursing assistant if I forgot to mention that before).

Anyway, Buddha says that everyone is in misery no matter what type it can be over come by connecting with your inner self and pretty much relaxing. Let the universe take the wheel. Good things will happen to those who put good things into the world. For instance, smiling even though you are miserable gives good vibes on to the world. One action as small as a smile can turn your whole day around. You may even influence someone else to smile with you.

So, even though shopping after work wasn't the best feeling, I smiled and chatted with one of the night workers who was obviously bored. Made him laugh and hopefully uplifted his mood for a short time. That is all we can really do as humans for each other, make one another smile and be happy. In the end my dash of Buddha for the night was a literal version of one of my favorite quotes. "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."-The Buddha :)

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