Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bedside Blogger #11

Ok, rant time.

Today, I am annoyed with marriage. Not that I think marriage is bad or that people shouldn't get married but I'm annoyed that people are getting married so young and not treating it like a real commitment! Get married at 22, that's fine, but don't be surprised when you are bored after a year and end up getting divorced over stupid shit.

Story time. About two years ago I was invited to a wedding for a girl that I had worked with for a little while. I had no idea she had even been dating this guy for about a year and now she was getting married. I figured I would go and be supportive as she would be the first person I knew in my age group to get married. Well, I actually missed the wedding because I got the date wrong but no worry the marriage only lasted about a month... literally! Her Facebook relationship status changed so quickly I assumed it never changed. I never figured out why it didn't work out for sure but I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that she is pretty much a big kid and is in no way ready for that type of commitment or responsibility.

It's not that I think that everyone that gets married too young will fail miserably and end up fucking up their lives... although I would be about 60% correct, not a high enough percentage you say? Really? Lets think about this a little more. If 60% of airplanes crashed would you get on one? Or what if 40% of condoms didn't break... yeah, scary right! I know!

But, to prove I am not against marriage I will say that I know a few people my age or younger even who are married and very happy. My best friend in California for instance, has been married for about two years. Her husband is a U.S. Marine and they have two beautiful children together. I am jealous of her completely! She has some how made a life for herself, her kids and her husband so wonderful and full of love. She admits that at times it is hard and she has even said she wishes she would've waited, but then she looks at her babies and knows that they are worth more than anything she could get in the single world.

Another great example of young marriage gone right is my Uncle and his wife. They just welcomed their first child into the world and yes, they had their rocky points but they are so happy to have made it though the bad. 

Not all good young marriages have to include kids either. I went to college with two girls that got married while in school and they are both insanely happy with their spouses and without kids for now. How do they do it? Well, I would say a big part of it was that they weren't in any rush. They knew they wanted to be with their significant others for the rest of their lives but also knew they wanted that title of husband and wife (aka that ring). They also had been dating their husbands for longer than 3 years. And were also engaged for quite a while before the actual knot was tied.

I myself have been proposed to a couple times and almost went through with it once, long story. But in the long run I knew it wasn't going to work out because I wasn't ready for that type of commitment and responsibility. A lot of girls see a wedding as a big party to show how grown up they are and don't see that its about celebrating the love you share with someone that you never want to sleep without, someone you never want to see walk out the door without saying you love them or kissing them good-bye. 

Marriage is also about helping each other through the hard times. Deaths, births, moves, jobs, careers (there is a difference), sickness, and life altering experiences. I just don't think that younger people see that a marriage isn't about a big party or living with someone or even being with someone forever. A marriage is about trust, friendship, commitment, dedication and a deep connection with someone that you don't want to have with anyone else. Maybe that's just my mushy girly side coming out but these little bitches running around getting engaged at the age of 18 and 19 thinking they know what they are doing... just makes me so mad and honestly why would even make that an option in your life so young? I can personally say that its a bad idea and it should never be an option! There is always time to get married later in life.

Oh and being comfortable with someone isn't a good enough reason either! This statement should never come out of your mouth "Well, we have been together so long, we may as well get married". What. The. Fuck... No! Stop that right now!! 

People get divorced after 20 years of marriage, being in a relationship for three years and getting married because you are just scared to start over with someone else should not be a reason to get married!! Yeah, sounds crazy, but I hear this reason way too often.

To conclude this rant the bottom line is stop being stupid! Marriage should still be sacred and treated like a real institution not some temporary living situation.

YOLO isn't a good enough reason either... stupid. 

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across your blog Katie and I love it ^_^ you are awesome and I miss you sooo much!
