Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Bedside Blogger #7

I feel like it is no big secret that I don't put a whole lot of faith in love and I should explain myself a little bit since most of my posts have been more against love and feeling than how to not be a crazy bitch high on natural body chemicals.

I'll start by saying that I always thought falling in love someone was supposed to feel like magic, a connection you've never had with anyone else. And maybe I just haven't felt that love before and that makes me doubt it, or maybe my expectations of love just are too high but I am pretty sure I have felt that I was in love before and I have felt connected with someone but they have never felt the same.

Side note: Every guy I've ever felt like I had feelings for has been a total selfish prick, which is probably why I liked them so much. But don't let that discredit me, knowing and feeling for them has taught me everything I know and I know a lot.

Back to the subject at hand, my reasoning behind my views on love. I have never had love proven to me, aside from family and friendship. Most people would say that is all I really need, those people have loving spouses or are even bigger man haters than I am. I am not a religious person either, I believe very heavily that everything can be explained with science and reasoning. My idea of spirituality is Karma, if you are a good person and try your hardest in every situation that you will be taken care of by the universe, or whatever guiding force that drives us through life. I feel like religious sometime has a part in how people love one another. If you believe in fairy tales than you are more than likely to be able to fall for that bull easier. 

Another reason I am not a promoter of emotional love is that I feel like there is too much game play and drama. I know many couples that don't have drama at all and are very happy, but they are also pretty bored. Then there are those couples that fight and argue just to make up, I see it as game play. I hate to argue or fight, I had a relationship a long time ago that all we ever did was fight and argue about things that didn't matter, not that I regret that relationship ending, it was horribly toxic and needed to be over before it began. I've also had relationships that nothing was ever expressed or discussed... they didn't last very long. One of the worse feelings in relationships I have felt was wanting and caring for someone and finding out that they do not have the same feelings for you. I have no advice for getting over this feeling except that it is simply how the game is played. To keep certain peoples interest you have to play hard to get, and if you are like me you don't want to have to pretend you do not have feelings for them, you don't want to turn away from them or be destructive. If you are like me, you want to be able to fully want that person and have them want you in return. Maybe that is the underlying reason I have gotten so close to giving up on love, I am no longer tolerant of unrequited feelings and not ready to be stomped all over again.

Side note: Some advice really quick to go with my pointlessness, if you are in an argument and you know that it is pointless and you are done with it here is a simple solution, get NAKED. You can't argue naked.

I guess this rant and look into my thoughts all boils down to even though I am not a huge believer in true love, I have the experience of what not to do to get the guy you want, and if someone has already done that then maybe they can shed some light on the right way?

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