Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bedside Blogger #2

Entry #4- The Bedside Blogger 2

Confidence, some people say its something you're born with. 
Well, I say those people are either too scared or too dumb to see that it's something that you can learn and master with a few good tricks, some faking, and the perfect lip gloss. 

First, lets talk about some tricks to being confident even when you feel and look like a train wreck. 

1. Smile :) - Why? Smiling actually causes your brain to release "happy" chemicals and everyone knows that smiling is contagious. 
2. Posture- Sitting, standing, walking with your chest and chin up shows that you are comfortable in a crowd which equals confidence. 
3. Be Natural- You don't need a lot of make up to be beautiful. Read any Cosmo any given month of the year and there will be some tidbit about how guys like a more natural beauty.
When you think about it who really wants to wake up next to someone who has half of their face on the pillow? Also, when you are more comfortable in your own skin you won't worry about having to look perfect all of the time. 

On to tricks, I call these tricks because not many women know that they are confidence boosters. When you try them out you will find that you are automatically the hottest chick in the room. 
Now for some lessons in faking confidence! This is a little more difficult because you not only have to be fast but you have to be able to pick up on other peoples body language. 

Lets say you are at a bar with a few friends and you see a gentlemen you'd like to talk to. Don't be afraid to approach him after some silent flirting, but chances are you won't have to move at all. Two key things to remember are:
Eye contact- This is a faking trick because who can really pull off eye contact without seeming creepy? The average flirty eye contact should last for about 3 to 5 seconds. As weird as it sounds you should tilt your head down slightly and say "Come here" with your eyes and facial expression. 
Body Language- The trick is to position your body in an "open" stance. If you cross your arms over your chest you are giving the impression that you are "closed" and unavailable. Try to imagine that you are giving him the "OK" to get close to you, not necessarily touch you but just a welcoming "hello". 

This is when you do your size up. What is he wearing? Work clothes, casual wear, maybe dressed up, this is when you take his exterior into account. If he is dressed in casual wear take a few mental notes on what he's got on. Sports teams, college logos, even accessories like watches or other jewelry can give you something to talk about. If he's wearing a Chargers jersey it wouldn't hurt to maybe Google the players name really quick and maybe pick up a few stats. Sounding like you some what know what you are talking about is part of being confident! 

This is just some advice that is going to be coming. Enjoy and remember confidence is key.

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