Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Bedside Blogger #6

Oh, couples. You're all so cute with your cheesy Facebook posts and adorable pictures of your obvious staged perfect couples kiss. And all you guys in relationships doing such sweet things for your girls, no wonder they can't keep from gushing all over about how much they "love their man".

Stop it.

I'm not trying to be a bitch but I'm really sick and tired of seeing "I love him so much" after you've only known this guy for two weeks. I have already explained what makes that love feeling in previous posts so I won't go into detail, but come one people!! Are we still in high school?

I have a friend, whom I care about deeply, known for years and admire very much, and she has been in a relationship for over a year with someone that she does love very much. How do I know this? Not because she vomits lovely poetry, "I love you Blank Blank Blankerson" posts or because she has kissy face pictures uploading on a daily basis, but because she actually believes in love. She has worked hard to keep their connection tight and when it faults from time to time she usually freaks out a little about normal girl worries and some times I get to listen and give a little advice. That to me is normal love, not saying it a million times for the whole world to read and then break up a week later over something really stupid and making an even bigger display over how "heart broken" you are, just to jump into another relationship a week later and the cycle continues every few months. 

Now, I'm not saying that love at first sight can't happen or that I don't believe in love at all (getting there but working on it)but... Actually, who am I kidding, I don't believe in "love at first sight", that is called infatuation and lust. To really love someone you should probably know more about them then the standard "getting to know someone" questions. Attraction is a huge part of falling in love with someone, but basing a should-be deep feeling on how you felt the moment you saw them is just insane. 

Saying "I love you" should be a huge commitment. When you say you love a friend or a food group its way different  than saying  it to someone that you are planning to be with for a little while and people should treat it as such.

I don't think I'm perfect by any means, I have had these crazy feelings before and like everyone else I figured out pretty quick that those were just "honeymoon" feelings. Those experiences have taught me a lot about who I am and what love style I am. They have also taught me where the fine line between love and crazy is... less than many people think. Everyone sees these things differently but shouldn't everyone realize that the addictive properties of early infatuation are what drives us in most relationships?

In short, stop infecting my feed with your crazy. You really don't "love him" if you have only been together for less 4 months. How could you possibly be that invested in someone that they are all you have to talk about all day everyday? Unless you are trying to shove it in peoples faces on purpose, which is a whole other batch of crazy that I just don't have time to touch on.

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