Saturday, July 14, 2012

They Bedside Blogger #3

Alright, today my serotonin levels are really low, not sure why but I my only thought is that I'm lonely. 

Yes, I have a wonderful group of friends and family but something is missing. I love being single and having freedoms, but it would be really nice to have someone to sit on the couch with and hold hands. Someone I can make dinner for and just feel happy with. Like annoyingly happy. 

So today I'm going to sit in my apartment, watch RomComs, clean, do laundry and sulk in my own single status.

Like to say that every romance movie has the same plot and I'm kinda sick of it.. not that I will stop watching every single Kathrine Heigl movie that comes out. Its goes like this; boy meets girl, they get close, have conflict, reunite, confess love, live happily ever after... Really!?! Has this ever happened in the history of dating? Has anyone ever tracked someone down to stop them from leaving or convinced them to stay and give love another chance? Umm... Noooo!!

Although this got me thinking about why we all want this to happen, and I came up with the conclusion that it is the mixture of pheromones, "love" chemicals, and Hollywood. We are already programmed to procreate and when you add in all that silly cliche' romance it's just a recipe for disappointment. 

Don't get me wrong, I believe in emotional love that can last for a life time... I just haven't had it proven to me yet and don't see it happening any time soon. Guys these days don't really have to prove it, the whole "plenty of fish" thing ya know. Anyway, back to my rant on love and what Hollywood has told us what love should look like. In Hollywood you should meet someone in a cute or ironic way, like meeting in a very public place, seeing each other across the room and just knowing you have to talk to them. 

Well, let me tell you a story about two people who met in a deli, seems sweet and perfect right? For the story's sake we will just go by "girl" and "crazy". And to set the scene I will admit that Girl was wearing clothes from last night, messy ponytail, and smeared make up. Crazy was wearing classic douche bag gear and sitting at a table facing the door when Girl walks in and sees Crazy out of the corner of her eye and flashes a smile. Crazy waits and approaches Girl with the classic "you look so familiar" line. Ironically enough he did know Girls best friend through high school acquaintances. They exchange numbers, add on Facebook and the story kicks off. Crazy waited about a month to ask girl to hang out, seems legit right? Wrong.... turns out Crazy was an alcoholic, couch surfer, and part time server at a restaurant who was on probation for a "misunderstanding" with an ex. Let's just say this "relationship" didn't last very long and ended very very loudly. Crazy did try to reconnect with Girl but Girl rejected him hard core. Obviously the cliche Hollywood plot doesn't work out in real life. 

In conclusion, Hollywood 0, Kate 1
Love is complicated and is annoying me today but for some reason I can't stay away from watching it.