Monday, July 16, 2012

The Bedside Blogger #5

50 Shades of Grey

I have just started this book, I don't really get a chance to read often, but already I'm really bored. I'm on the 6th chapter and nothing is happening. I feel like I'm watching the first 5 episodes of this seasons True Blood(slow and pointless). I would like to know what all the hype is about to be honest. Unlike most women I see nothing wrong with strip clubs or porn and I really don't think that women should judge other women or men even for enjoying such activities. Also, with Magic Mike out in theaters they have no room to talk.  

Anyway, while reading the first 6 chapters of 50 shades I stated to think about Grey and if I would be attracted to him as the main character is. I have been picturing him as Eric Northman from True Blood, only because I heard a rumor that he might take the roll in the up coming movie, and so that I would be physically attracted to him. But the arrogance and weird way this guy talks just throws me completely off. I'm sorry, but if some rich dude asked me to coffee and held my had the whole time I'd be a little more than frazzled, who holds hands with someone they barely know?!? I've been in relationships that I barely touch them in public, not because we didn't have feelings for each other but because we aren't 13 years old!

I was also warned that the level of reading was fairly low but this women uses the same descriptive word multiple times in a paragraph, and not in an ironic way! I am going to power through it because I already bought the book and everyone is talking about it which usually means that it is good at some point. We shall see about this. 

Back to Mr. Grey, I don't see the attraction at all, aside from my own fantasy of Eric Northman. I get that he is rich and intelligent but everything else about him makes me recoil. That much arrogance and palpable narcissism just makes me wonder how sick women really are inside. We want someone to make us feel vulnerable and childish... Daddy issues much? And really, a man in Grey's position in life would never go to the lengths that this character has just to seduce a college senior. Grey has power, money, and looks. Please tell me why he would be so enthralled with a random girl he met once for an interview. I have come to the conclusion that generally women want to feel like they are special just the way they are. Well, listen to a Bruno Mars song, no rich, handsome man is going to realistically tract you down from about a state away, seduce you into being his submissive, fall for you and eventually not break your heart... Come on girls, we aren't that naive. 

I understand this is a subculture within the fetish community and like anything to do with human sexuality it interests me but I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. Probably because the characters are so ill-spoken, all the dialogue so far has been rigid and stuffy, not one of the characters has a personality. The only character that is remotely literate and lively is Grey, but even he sounds like a standardized test model most of the time. I really hope that the writers of the screen play will create better conversations that aren't so painfully awkward to read. 

I have the sinking feeling that there will be many erotica novels published after this that will also be poorly written and wildly popular because they are promoted right.

To wrap up my rant I will just say that I am going to read the books with the idea that Mr. Northman will not disappoint, and to further express the bad taste that this fantasy is leaving in my mouth I will only watch the movie if Eric Northman is indeed portraying Christian Grey, they writers have nothing to do with the original author and the actress that is picked to be Ana is prettier than Bella from "Twatlight"(not a misspelling). That would be the only way it would be worth seeing.

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