Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bedside Blogger

Entry #3- The Start Of Advice No One Really Asked For

Ok, so today I'd like to talk about some thing that is in everyone's lives, whether you're married, long term, dating, casual, or single. Love.

Love is actually a chemical reaction made in your body and your brain with a mix of Dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin (more commonly found during the attraction phase of a relationship), Oxytocin, and vasopressin (more closely linked to long term bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments).

That's the chemical make up, physically your body goes through changes along the relationship cycle as well. Racing hearts, sweaty hands, winged insects in our bowels... It's just what we crave. There is actually a study that says we are addicted to the chemicals our own bodies produce when we are infatuated with someone.

Which, considering the chemicals that make up love it makes perfect sense. Who wouldn't want their brain flooded with serotonin and epinephrine? I know I certainly do!

As a single 22 year old, attractive female of course I want to have someone consistent in my life to cuddle with and have inside jokes, aside from my roommate. But I have found that the dating world has changed a lot in this new era of online dating and reality TV. No longer can you just meet someone in a random place and they not be a crazy person. 

And with that brings me to my next point. Dudes. What is with guys these days? They have become more complicated than most women I know! If you want someone then say it! If you don't, then leave! Find someone you actually do want to be with and stop turning good girls into crazy bitches!

I know that it's not all guys fault, girls are malicious and devilish as well. We use and abuse good guys till we find someone to emotionally torture us. Ladies, you can't say I'm wrong either. We all remember that one guy we let run us over with a 69' mustang as many times as they could before we got up and walked away with our mangled hearts in hand. Somehow it's easier to leave a nice guy who cares about you than it is to leave the asshole who can't even remember your middle name.

So, I propose that we all stop bullshitting ourselves and realize that all these chemicals floating around are just for reproductive purposes and stop messing with the other genders heads!

Guys, stop being so damn indecisive! Either be a normal douche bag and own it or be a good guy and treat a women right.

Ladies, stop acting crazy!! If a dude dumps you DO NOT call, text, email, stalk or harass him! You're giving us normal chicks a bad rap.

Rant over :)

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