Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Bedside Blogger#4

Advice day

One thing I hate more than anything is chicks being overly attached to a man. Women have a bad habit of over doing and over thinking every single situation, myself included!
We need to take a chill pill and stop being so crazy. This includes ex, currents and prospects. Men need space to figure out if they are even into having a relationship with you, if you smother them with attention from the get go he'll never have that alone time to realize he doesn't want to be alone. Thus, missing your company.

I have to say that along with girls being overly attached I really hate it when girls are super needy and dramatic! If a dude wants you, he will pursue you. Do not send him text messages every day just to see "what's up?". Let him come to you. If he doesn't contact you first that probably means he doesn't want to and that's ok! Do not proceed to wallow and sulk in it! And please, oh please, do NOT plaster it all over Facebook and Twitter!! 

This is where you need to think like a dude. This is a tool that most women don't even know they have. Its not very hard and it would save you so much time and energy. When you are in a new relationship with a guy, try to get inside his head. I don't mean try to analyze his whole life, you have to think in the moment because he isn't thinking about the future. 

Here's your scenario: You just met Allen, he's smart, good looking and successful. You've gone out for drinks and had a good first kiss. Your first instinct as a girl is to text him ASAP... FIGHT THIS URGE!! Wait for him to contact you first, seems old fashioned, I know. If he is into you and had a good time he will tell you. Guys are not afraid to go after something that they want. 
Now, Allen sends you a quick text when he gets home and says "Had a great time tonight :)", short and sweet. Your silly urges are going to kick in again, and you have to hold back and not reply right away. I'm not saying wait a whole day, just wait a little while and do things to get your mind off of it for about 20 minute. Brush you teeth, get your sweats on and pop in a DVD, watch about 15 minutes of it and reply with something cute and short. 
For example, since he had a great time and added a smiley face you should recap one of your favorite conversation points from the evening like "Me too, I can't wait to rent that Seth Rogan movie you suggested!", which if you're like me, you have already seen every Seth Rogan movie ever made, but it  shows that you appreciate his point of view and you have a similar interest. 
This may lead to a conversation, keep it light and short. Leave him wanting more. After about three or four texts you should say you are about to go to bed and remind him that you had a great time too. 
But what if he doesn't text or call? No big deal, you had approximately one day invested in him so you should move on and not over think the situation. There is nothing wrong with having a little hardheartedness when it comes to the dating world. 

I have learned that when dating and getting to know a man you should try to stay neutral till you know if they're worth the work and time that a relationship entails.
To recap:
Don't blow up his phone
Don't over think or drive yourself crazy trying to decipher his every word
Let him make the moves
Don't get too attached... ever
And finally do not use social networks to embarrass yourself, you may be able to delete that post later but the damage will be done long before you realize what your crazy ass has done.  

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